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Bullet-resistance Materials

Our clientele at Opens happen to be spread in a continuum from middle class people to very high end and high net worth individuals. For some of our clients who happen to have the means to procure for themselves and their buildings we have bullet resistant materials.

To start with our vast array of bullet resistant materials, we have the bullet resistant doors and frames. We have special doors and frames designed with materials we cannot disclose because they happen to be our trade secret. These doors and frames can withstand and defend the occupants of a building from a barrage of bullets buy either criminals, thieves or even terrorist.  These doors have been designed such that bullets cannot penetrate through the doors, its handles, frames and hinges. This way in the eventuality of an attack, occupants of our buildings are safe and secure until the Calvary arrives.

Windows as most security experts agree happen to be the weakest and easiest point of entry for assailants and intruders who want to make way forcefully into a building if the doors have proven too difficult to destroy. Having this in mind, our experts at Opens have designed our windows such that they look beautiful and alluring yet they are fully bullet proof and would do well to repeal attacks by people who want to come in through the windows.

These windows have been designed such that they look beautiful and although they do not distract clients and workers from the business of work and productivity within the buildings they are super-efficient and functional in keeping attackers at bay until help comes from relevant government authorities.

It would not speak well for such a company like us not to be able to protect our clients from intruders including the kinds that come carrying weapons. We would do well to inform our clients to avail themselves of the opportunity to protect themselves from evil and any eventuality with our wide range of bullet resistant materials.