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Acoustic Materials

In the kind of very busy and pressing world we live where we hustle and struggle to earn our daily bread there is no blessing like coming home to some peace and quiet. We also appreciate that our clients in their commercial and business places will certainly love to conduct business without the interruption of external noise and influence.

At Opens Architectural, our team of experts and Engineers have designed our building to be sound proof and comfortably dead to external noise and influence which could either affect the conduct of business or affect peace and quiet in our homes.

Windows act as entry points and channels for unwelcome noise coming from outside. Our range of acoustic windows actually help to virtually eliminate noise and disturbances which want to penetrate into our sanctuary and force their way in.

Our windows are designed such that even big city dwellers like New Yorkers where the hustle and bustle is real on a round the clock basis, we still design these our windows such that we effectively keep the noise at bay or to its barest minimum. This ability does not in any way compromise the beauty and aesthetic value of these our windows. We realized that a lot of city dwellers wants to be able to see and explore the city where they live and make their living even from the safety of their living rooms, patios or balconies. We have put in a lot of thought and expertise into our systems to ensure that the right quality is produced to suit the varied individual needs and wants of our clients

 Open windows are manufactured from the highest quality double or triple-glazed glass, providing the maximum level of external noise reduction.

The secret to our outstanding levels of noise reduction is the quality with which the windows are manufactured. Our precision crafted windows are made of multiple layers of glass resting between a thin sheet of metal